Dear Participant of 2020 GMC at Seoul,
Thanks for your participation in '2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul'.
You are cordially invited to attend 'Meet the Editors' of 2020 GMC at Seoul on Nov. 7, 2020.
<Meet the Editors: 2020 GMC at Seoul>
1. Date: 08:00-09:30 Nov. 7, 2020 (Seoul Time: UTC/GMT +09:00)
2. Format: Zoom Live
- The authors who registered this conference can get access to 'Meet the Editors' through the Whova conference platform which will be open very soon.
3. Chair: Roland T. Rust (University of Maryland), Ex-Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Research in Marketing
4. Editors:
- Charles R. Taylor (Villanova University), Editor, International Journal of Advertising
- Naveen Donthu (Georgia State University), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Business Research
- J. Bruce Tracey (Cornell University), Editor, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
- Shelly Rodgers (University of Missouri), Editor, Journal of Advertising
- C. Anthony Di Benedetto (Temple University), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Industrial Marketing Management
- John Cadogan (Loughborough University), Editor of International Marketing Review
- M. Joseph Sirgy (Virginia Tech), Editor, Journal of Macromarketing
- Ming-Hui Huang (National Taiwan University), Editor-Elect, Journal of Service Research
- Iris Hung (Fudan University), Editor, International Journal of Research in Marketing
- Arch G. Woodside (Curtin University), Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
- Ian Phau (Curtin University), Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
- Eunju Ko (Yonsei University), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
- Kihan Kim (Seoul National University), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Global Sport Management
- Jooyoung Kim (University of Georgia), Editor, Journal of Interactive Advertising
- Benjamin Voyer (ESCP-Europe), Guest Editor, European Management Journal
- Werner Kunz (University of Massachusetts), Guest Editor, Journal of Service Management
- Sandra Loureiro (Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL)), Guest Editor, Journal of Creative Communications
- Carlos Flavian (University of Zaragoza), Editor-in-Chief, Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question regarding this matter.
The Organizing Committee of '2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul'
Dear Participant of 2020 GMC at Seoul,
Thanks for your participation in '2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul'.
You are cordially invited to attend 'Meet the Editors' of 2020 GMC at Seoul on Nov. 7, 2020.
<Meet the Editors: 2020 GMC at Seoul>
1. Date: 08:00-09:30 Nov. 7, 2020 (Seoul Time: UTC/GMT +09:00)
2. Format: Zoom Live
- The authors who registered this conference can get access to 'Meet the Editors' through the Whova conference platform which will be open very soon.
3. Chair: Roland T. Rust (University of Maryland), Ex-Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Research in Marketing
4. Editors:
- Charles R. Taylor (Villanova University), Editor, International Journal of Advertising
- Naveen Donthu (Georgia State University), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Business Research
- J. Bruce Tracey (Cornell University), Editor, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
- Shelly Rodgers (University of Missouri), Editor, Journal of Advertising
- C. Anthony Di Benedetto (Temple University), Co-Editor-in-Chief, Industrial Marketing Management
- John Cadogan (Loughborough University), Editor of International Marketing Review
- M. Joseph Sirgy (Virginia Tech), Editor, Journal of Macromarketing
- Ming-Hui Huang (National Taiwan University), Editor-Elect, Journal of Service Research
- Iris Hung (Fudan University), Editor, International Journal of Research in Marketing
- Arch G. Woodside (Curtin University), Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
- Ian Phau (Curtin University), Editor, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
- Eunju Ko (Yonsei University), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
- Kihan Kim (Seoul National University), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Global Sport Management
- Jooyoung Kim (University of Georgia), Editor, Journal of Interactive Advertising
- Benjamin Voyer (ESCP-Europe), Guest Editor, European Management Journal
- Werner Kunz (University of Massachusetts), Guest Editor, Journal of Service Management
- Sandra Loureiro (Lisbon University Institute (ISCTE-IUL)), Guest Editor, Journal of Creative Communications
- Carlos Flavian (University of Zaragoza), Editor-in-Chief, Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any question regarding this matter.
The Organizing Committee of '2020 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul'