fsQCA Workshop by Arch G. Woodside

Learning fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) Software: Hands-on Workshop for Beginners—and Writing Research Articles for Publication Acceptance in Journals in the ABDC Journal List 

Venue:  Lotte Hotel Seoul, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Date: July 11, 2020, 7-hours of instruction

Instructor:  Arch G. Woodside, Honorary Professor, Marketing, Curtin University, Perth 


  • Learn how to use the free software for algorithm model building and testing (available at fsQCA.com)
  • Learn how to test for the predictive validity of your highly accurate models on additional sets of data—you can generalize sample findings to populations in case study research, not only generalizing to theory
  • Learn how to calibrate (convert) values in variables into membership scores
  • Learn how to test a priori model propositions for accuracy and coverage using fsQCA
  • Learn how to analyze (create and test) for alternative models that achieve high accuracy in predicting outcomes
  • Learn how to create  visuals of theoretical models using Venn diagrams
  • Learn why and how to replace NHST with SPOT and to use consistency indexes rather than reporting p < .05 and p < .01 significance levels (reporting p-values is banned now in article accepted for publication in the Journal of Basic and Applied Social Psychology
  • Learn writing an article for acceptance by A*, A, B, and C journals (ABCD journal rankings)
  • Learn how to use complexity theory tenets as the foundational propositions in your theory
  • <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]--><!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->At the workshop participants receive workbook of PPT slides, readings, and data-file exercises and
  • electronic copies of three books:  <!--[if !vml]--> 

    • Arch G. Woodside (2019), Accurate Case Outcome Modelling:  Entrepreneurial Policy, Management, and Strategy Applications, Berlin: Springer (255 pages).
    • Arch G. Woodside (2017), The Complexity Turn: Cultural, Management, and Marketing Applications, Berlin: Springer (255 pages)
    • Arch G. Woodside (2010) (1st Edition), Case Study Research: Theory, Methods, Practice Bingley, UK: Emerald (440 pages); second edition has been published
    • Participants receive half-day individual gratis consultations on their research projects: design, data analysis, writing, paper review, and submission suggestions from Arch G. Woodside via Skype
  • Admission, equipment, and fee requirements

    • Registration: Participants need to register on the 2020 GMC at Tokyo homepage.
    • Workshop participants need to bring pc laptop (not an Apple laptop) to the sessions
  • Prior to the workshop, please download the free fsQCA software is available at:  http://www.u.arizona.edu/~cragin/fsQCA/software.shtml

    201 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul Homepage:


    Tuition: GAMMA Prestige Club Member: USD 90; KSMS Member: USD 150; Non-KSMS Member (Student): USD 180; Non-KSMS Member (Faculty): USD 290


    Attendance is limited so please reserve early!

      Instructor bio sketch:  Arch G. Woodside is Honorary Professor of Marketing, Curtin University, Perth, Australia (arch.woodside@curtin.edu.au).  He is the Editor-in-Chief (2016 - ), Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science and former Editor-in-Chief (1975-2016), Journal of Business Research (now the top-ranked marketing journal in Google’s h-5 index).  Arch has published research articles in 50+ marketing and psychology journals including the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Research in Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, and Industrial Marketing Management.  His degrees include a PhD in Business Administration (Penn State, 1968); Doctoris Honoris Causa (University of Montreal, 2013); Doctor of Letters (Kent State University, 2015).  He is a member and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Divisions 8 and 23 of APA), International Academy for the Study of Tourism, Society for Marketing Advances, and INEKA. 

     Reach Arch also at arch.woodside@bc.edu.